Ophryoglena flava; a taxon with two contractile vacuoles and a strange structure of the macronucleus and the mouth. (1) |
Ophryoglena flava; anterior part; optical median transect through the cell. (1) |
Ophryoglena flava; anterior part; focus plane on the cortex and cilia. (1) |
Ophryoglena flava; anterior part; detail of the oral region, with an aggregation of brown pigment granules. The arrowhead points to the conspicuous body in the mouth. (1) |
Ophryoglena flava; detail of the body mentioned above, which reminds of the "Lieberkuhn-organelle" found in Ophryoglena (1) |
Ophryoglena flava; detail of the posterior part showing the cortex/ cilature and several excretion pores of the posterior contractile vacuole. (1) |
Ophryoglena flava; macronucleus of a sligtly compressed specimen. (1) |
Ophryoglena flava; oral region (2) |
Ophryoglena flava; birefringent membranelle in the oral region (2) |
Ophryoglena flava; lateral view of oral appparatus (2) |
Ophryoglena flava; frontal view of oral region (3) |
Location (1) : Düssel near Wuppertal-Schöller, NRW; Germany |
Habitat: detritus (1). Ophryoglena flava seems to be adapted to lotic waters (2) (click image to enlarge >>>) |
Date: 28.03.2021 (1); |
Location (3): Hattingen Felderbachtal (Auerhof), NRW Germany; creek |
Habitat: sediment between moss in lotic water (2). (click image to enlarge >>>) |
Date: 18.05.2021 (3) |